Reaching out to healthcare workers with clients at risk of Falls related injury...
On November 24 & 25 Active Mobility will be hosting a visit by Mr Terry Vickers from Delloch NZ. Delloch specialises in manufacturing products which help prevent Falls related injury - hip protector garments, protective beanies, arm and shin protectors.
Delloch Hip Protector undergarments offer a revolutionary concept known as HipFit - a simple pad positioning system that puts the protection in the right place because everyone's body is unique and different in subtle ways [including hip bone position].
The Delloch CRASCH3 beanie is protective headgear for people with special needs. Click here for more...
If you care for persons at risk of Falls - please submit the form to book your free presentation of this great product range. Spaces are limited with priority given to facilities in the Greater Sydney region.